An increasing number of children are placed in foster care. This outcome can be a result of neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or psychological abuse. Children in foster care are at increased risk for a host of negative outcomes encompassing emotional, behavioral, neurobiological, and social realms; which will deem them to be considered "at risk". An at-risk youth is a child who is less likely to transition successfully into adulthood.
In West Virginia there are 1,415 children in the system eligible for adoption.

What qualifies a child in foster care to be “legally eligible for adoption”? To be adopted, their parents must have their parental rights terminated. According to AdoptUsKids.org
One must be 21 years of age or older.
Maintain a stable and secure income.
Maintain good physical and mental health.
Your home needs to pass a safety inspection.You cannot have child abuse reports or a criminal background.
You need a stable family relationship.
You must have the ability to commit to a child.
In addition, "Families must complete the PRIDE training course and complete a home study. PRIDE training is an excellent opportunity to meet other families who are going through the foster and adoption process. It is also an opportunity to educate yourself about adoption and foster parenting.
The home study is a comprehensive report of your family and home environment. The completed home study includes an application, summary of your family’s history, interviews, criminal background and child abuse clearances. The timeline of the home study can vary from family to family" (AdoptUsKids.Org)
To find out more information on adoption please visit the following sites.
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